Steering Commitee

Dra. Ana Primo Arnau

Tenured Scientist. CSIC, Valencia

Dra. Ana Primo received her Ph.D. in chemistry at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) in 2006. From 2007 to 2009, she did a postdoctoral stay in the Institute Charles Gerhardt of Montpellier, France.

Currently, she is tenured scientist in the “Instituto de Tecnología Química” (UPV-CSIC). Her research interests include the synthesis of 2D materials (graphene, boron nitride, molybdenum sulphide, MXenes) and their application in catalytic and photocatalytic processes as CO2 reduction for obtaining methanol or water splitting for H2 production.

She has published more than 100 papers, received more than 7000 citations, and has an h-index of 43.

Prof. Hermenegildo García Gómez

Full Professor. UPV, Valencia

Prof. Hermenegildo García Gómez is a full Professor of the Institute of Chemical Technology at the Technical University of Valencia. His group has expertise in CO2 utilization developing catalysts for CO2 conversion to methanol and C2+ products. He has published over 800 papers, has received over 50.000 citations, has an H index of 110 and his name is included continuously since 2015 in the annual list of the most cited Scientists published by the Shanghai-Tomson Reuters. He is the recipient of the Janssen-Cilag award of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (2011) and the Rey D. Jaime I award in New technologies (2016).

He is doctor honoris causa by the University of Bucharest and Honorary Professor at the King Abdulaziz University since 2015. He was awarded by the Lee Hsun lecturership of the Chinese Academy of Science at Shenyang. He has participated in over 20 EU funded projects and is member of the panel of ERC Consolidator Grant as well as other Comissions and panels. He is President of the international advisory editorial board of ChemCatChem. Several of his publications have constituted research fronts in Chemistry (as defined by Essential Science Indicators) Database, such as Photocatalytic CO2 reduction by non TiO2 photocatalysis, catalysis by MOFs, etc.

Young Scientists Commitee

Dra. Sara Goberna

Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow

Dra. María Cabrero

Juan de la Cierva fellow

Dra. Aicha Anouar

Postdoctoral researcher

Rubén Ramírez Grau

phD student

Dawid Daniël Kruger

phD student

Sabine Éliane Midré

phD student

Pablo García Aznar

phD student

Elena Romero Salicio

phD student